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[Hoon] AngularJS - Componets, Directives, Localization Example

by 플로거 2018. 12. 31.


Directives are a unique and powerful feature available in AngularJS. Directives let you invent new HTML syntax, specific to your application.

Reusable Components

We use directives to create reusable components. A component allows you to hide complex DOM structure, CSS, and behavior. This lets you focus either on what the application does or how the application looks separately.


An important part of serious apps is localization. AngularJS's locale aware filters and stemming directives give you building blocks to make your application available in all locales.


  1. <!doctype html>
  2. <html ng-app="app">
  3. <head>
  4. <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.7.5/angular.min.js"></script>
  5. <script src="components.js"></script>
  6. <script src="app.js"></script>
  7. </head>
  8. <body>
  9. <tabs>
  10. <pane title="Localization">
  11. <span>Date: {{ '2012-04-01' | date:'fullDate' }}</span><br>
  12. <span>Currency: {{ 123456 | currency }}</span><br>
  13. <span>Number: {{ 98765.4321 | number }}</span><br>
  14. </pane>
  15. <pane title="Pluralization">
  16. <div ng-controller="BeerCounter">
  17. <div ng-repeat="beerCount in beers">
  18. <ng-pluralize count="beerCount" when="beerForms"></ng-pluralize>
  19. </div>
  20. </div>
  21. </pane>
  22. </tabs>
  23. </body>
  24. </html>


  1. angular.module('components', [])
  3. .directive('tabs', function() {
  4. return {
  5. restrict: 'E',
  6. transclude: true,
  7. scope: {},
  8. controller: function($scope, $element) {
  9. var panes = $scope.panes = [];
  11. $scope.select = function(pane) {
  12. angular.forEach(panes, function(pane) {
  13. pane.selected = false;
  14. });
  15. pane.selected = true;
  16. }
  18. this.addPane = function(pane) {
  19. if (panes.length == 0) $scope.select(pane);
  20. panes.push(pane);
  21. }
  22. },
  23. template:
  24. '<div class="tabbable">' +
  25. '<ul class="nav nav-tabs">' +
  26. '<li ng-repeat="pane in panes" ng-class="{active:pane.selected}">'+
  27. '<a href="" ng-click="select(pane)">{{pane.title}}</a>' +
  28. '</li>' +
  29. '</ul>' +
  30. '<div class="tab-content" ng-transclude></div>' +
  31. '</div>',
  32. replace: true
  33. };
  34. })
  36. .directive('pane', function() {
  37. return {
  38. require: '^tabs',
  39. restrict: 'E',
  40. transclude: true,
  41. scope: { title: '@' },
  42. link: function(scope, element, attrs, tabsController) {
  43. tabsController.addPane(scope);
  44. },
  45. template:
  46. '<div class="tab-pane" ng-class="{active: selected}" ng-transclude>' +
  47. '</div>',
  48. replace: true
  49. };
  50. })


  1. angular.module('app', ['components'])
  3. .controller('BeerCounter', function($scope, $locale) {
  4. $scope.beers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
  5. if ($locale.id == 'en-us') {
  6. $scope.beerForms = {
  7. 0: 'no beers',
  8. one: '{} beer',
  9. other: '{} beers'
  10. };
  11. } else {
  12. $scope.beerForms = {
  13. 0: 'žiadne pivo',
  14. one: '{} pivo',
  15. few: '{} pivá',
  16. other: '{} pív'
  17. };
  18. }
  19. });

출처 - angularjs.com




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